2009年5月28日 星期四


Miss Chan Chan常說她的學生英文水平不高,平日的功課不少是"unmarkable"的....不過,我的學生就算程度不好,也不會膽敢寫出以下的文章。


不過,Miss Chan Chan相信是開玩笑居多,否則文中作者又何德何能成為中七學生呢?


不過,這個反面教材將會成為Miss Chan Chan下星期的課室教材,讓我的英文班學生可以試試重寫,順道教教他們如何撰寫投訴信。Good!


擇自Apply Daily娛樂名人版 (27/5/09)

港姐參賽者轟 TVB無禮

我是 Lucy, I went to Miss Hong Kong first interview. Wah d judges very not polite and not nice law. Today I see a megazine saying this year's Girls so ugly. I saw many good and pretty girls there but they didn't choose ja ma. Don't choose mei suen law but the judge in first interview-- most very not pol

ite to many young girls and to to me law. I only 18 the judges ask me to"why join Miss HK go and why not study la u only F7 ja wor how can fright with other wor." Also say my English bad… hurt die me.

Ho La, other girl tell me la, she study in University ok ga dou but little fat or short then the judge(woman) said " why you look fat or so short!" wah ho hurt ga ma.
One girl is a博士 student ar very high level and very nice ga dou cant get in second interview la. We think she will be in ga but she said no law. You can search her pic and my pic to see la. She gum high level duo ng dak, gum me ng duk duo rite gei but i think the whole choosing is not fair law, choose model mei? young yao inch', high study level yao inch, short yao inch… They onky choose rich girl law so bad.

We don't go and let them inch ga law if they need tall or high level people then why not put in the application form lei.
Waste time!
dou ng fair gei!
u can email me if u want.




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