2011年6月1日 星期三



談起航空公司,跟他說起恐龍航空跟魚翅航空的公司文化。他說不少人嚮往在大公司當飛行員,看似很不錯。但是,如果有讀過Miss Chan Chan之前的文章,你或多或少都知道,即使是姊妹公司,恐龍航空的公司文化跟魚翅航空的大有不同。不同的除了之前說過有晉升前途外,原來魚翅航空在無聲無息地將新入職的本地機師任SO(二級副機長)的年期由三年增加至五年.....老實說,如果以同年入職兩家航空公司,五年後魚翅機師可能還是SO,又或者最多是JFO,但恐龍機師們已經可以準備向隊長的目標進發。所以,恐龍機師跟Miss Chan Chan說,之前有一班約18-20名已有約4.5年SO經驗的魚翅SO集體辭職,一起跳槽至香港第三家航空公司。


7 則留言:

  1. 嘩....5年!!!MISS CHAN CHAN 令我對恐龍改觀左好多!!!點解要成5年咁耐?慳人工?
    [版主回覆06/01/2011 19:02:00]人太多掛...

  2. 香港第三家航空公司,  我自己無搭過, 但係身邊有搭過的朋友就個個都讚好, 仲話好過恐龍 / 魚翅. 老實講, 論 inflight service, 魚翅真係好一般 , 不過我好中意佢的 pre-flight 同 post-flight service 囉, 所以, 都係會幫襯
    [版主回覆06/01/2011 19:03:00]第三間航空公司我都未坐過啊....

  3. 我坐過第三家航空公司,,只能說尚可,,,
    [版主回覆06/01/2011 21:40:00]我自己就未坐過啊,所以不能comment...

  4. 人哋唔洗同機師交待, 淨係同股東交待得啦
    [版主回覆06/02/2011 21:42:00]佢對d 女仔仲衰....

  5. 沛然Pui Yin Dave2011年6月2日 下午2:03

    i m a uni undergrad student whose dream since Primary 6 is to be an airline pilot in PathayCacific, but ok la, Mis ChanChan ur information makes me change my mind and shift my dream to AragonDir.  Better career prospect, and company's respect to each individual, their skills and knowledge.
    i think another good thing about being a pilot in AragonDir is flying duties is like an ordinary 9am-5pm office job, as they are all short-haul flights, there is no need to encounter jet-lag etc, so a quick turnaround in the overseas airport and same plane back to HK is like an ordinary office day .   [but if i m wrong, please 指正]
    [版主回覆06/02/2011 21:41:00]Hello~ I can't say the flying duty is really 9-5 but it is true that there are more turnaround flights than in PathayCacific. e.g. Pilot Dino needa wake up earlier than me to report duty (let's say 6:00am) and he will come back to HK at around 4-5pm which is also similar to my working hours. These patterns happen more in 320 flights.
    Of course, there're flights that require the pilots to stay overnight or evening having overnight flying duties (mostly to India ports). However, it is at an acceptable frequency. 330 flight will have more overnight schedules than 320 flights...

  6. 5年,港龍可以升做機長

  7. 員工係工具吖嘛!
    [版主回覆06/04/2011 23:04:00]係婢女,陰公...


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