2011年2月24日 星期四


如果你有留意學飛的人的網誌,他曾經提及一個很利害兼前途無限的美少女,成功完成恐龍航空Pre-qualified cadet program,正式加入恐龍航空成為第二副機師。今天,這位妙齡少女SNY(SNY=現場觀摩體驗)恐龍機師及隊長的班機。

隊長見有靚女登機,立即讓她負責一些操作的東東,嚇得少女很害怕,要向恐龍機師求救。恐龍機師跟她聊天,原來少女機師是在香港唸書的,到了大學才到澳洲悉尼唸Degree of Aviation。在這個課程裏,所有學生都會考取CPL資格及ATPL理論資格部份。她說她曾經投考魚翅航空,但對方要她完成60個星期的一般培訓;但在恐龍航空,她只需要參加為期6星期的訓練便可以了。Miss Chan Chan說她真的選對公司了....

恐龍機師說這位新師妹樣貌清秀,待人有禮,加上聽聞飛行實力超班,所以,她大有可能不到30歲便能榮升隊長,前途無可限量。不過,有趣的是,恐龍機師說,如果將來女兒也是這樣晉身航空界便好了!但Miss Chan Chan說........女孩子當機師,我怕她難找老公啊!對嗎?





10 則留言:

  1. 糯米糍__飛の夢2011年2月24日 晚上10:03

    [版主回覆02/26/2011 21:08:00]只係我估計,夠唔夠就視乎佢既表現了~

  2. 我都係一個夢想成為機師既女仔,  希望同樣既幸運能夠降落我身上。
    [版主回覆02/26/2011 21:08:00]祝福你,希望你能夠有一日成為機師...=)

  3. 港龍有人26歲做隊長啦 理論上夠1500小時就ok
    [版主回覆02/26/2011 21:09:00]如果1500小時就可以,恐龍機師應該升了隊長很久了~

  4. 最好一句好有意思。好多香港既年輕人都無左夢想。
    [版主回覆02/26/2011 21:09:00]或者咁講丫....香港既年輕人即使有夢想,但無毅力去達成夢想...

  5. Alvin笑顔のままで2011年2月26日 上午11:06

    我反而想知道,到底香港有多少%的家庭可以有能力給小孩到AUS 讀Degree of Aviation
    [版主回覆02/26/2011 21:12:00]有幾多家庭可以供養我就唔知道,不過,我只知道好多成功考入Cadet的年青人,好多都唔係家底豐厚,反而係自己努力捱出來的成果.....有人自學不斷讀書,有人由cabin crew 努力自費學飛再轉型...所以呢個女仔有屋企栽培係bonus,但有更多人係靠自己努力的....(replied by 恐龍機師)

  6. 由零開始嘅學飛blog
    多謝 http://hk.myblog.yahoo.com/gau-gau
    [版主回覆02/26/2011 21:13:00]加油啊~ 希望你有一天可以一飛衝天~

  7. Nice to meet you on the blog! I think I may have seen her photo on John's fb.... haha quite beautiful ar. It's not easy to have a clear target, esp. nowadays there are too many distractions.... fortunately I found my target. I'm also applying KA's CPP, wish I can achieve it soon :)
    [版主回覆02/27/2011 15:41:00]It"s cool that u've got ur own goal...keep working hard and I believe that you will be successful one day~

  8. 好老豆 @dragoon:
    “ 港龍有人26歲做隊長啦 , 理論上夠1500小時就 ok”
    .... 小弟孤漏寡聞 , 願聞其詳...

  9. hi i've been reading your blog~ i have a doubt abt the Pre-Qualified Cadet Programme~ i hv got Frozen ATPL with a degree as well~ kinda like your situation~ i just applied to programme recently~ do you think that will take me onboard? i just around 210 flying hours at the moment.... not enough for what the airlines require.... 
    [版主回覆03/31/2011 01:11:00]my situation? I am not a pilot ar...=) and my bf joined the field via Cadet Pilot Program....
    According to the requirement of PQCP, they said at least 250 hours. Therefore, I think you will only be taken into consideration once you have 250 hours or more. You know, they have quite a number of applicants who have flown for quite a number of years and got far more hours. You still have a few hours to go, go ahead once you've achieved it.

  10. Hi Miss Chan Chan,
    Thank you very much for your prompt reply and many thanks to pilot Dino for the information.
    I turned my application back in last November. I guess they are still holding on my application.
    Due to my license and rating are not currently valid. I would have to pratice more and do the flight review to have them turn valid again in order to meet the minimum qualification for the PQCP.
    As far as I know is if I selected to do the SIM assessment. It will be tested in either A330 or A320 but I do not have any flight experience on any of the jets so how would I be able to pass the SIM assessment??
    Do you know is KA desperate on hiring pilots like CX does?
    Anyways, I am really apperciate for your time and all of your help. I will start reading the books to refresh my knowledge on what I have learnt in the past and start flying asap to have my rating and license turn valid.
    I will keep you update on my progress and stay tune on your blog!!
    Best regards,
    [版主回覆06/28/2011 01:40:00]sorry for my late reply.
    According to Pilot Dino, you will have some sorts of training before SIM check. However, if this is still the case now, he has no idea.
    "Do you know is KA desperate on hiring pilots like CX does?"....actually, which aspect do you refer to by "desperate on hiring pilots like CX"? Since both companies have different process in hiring pilots, it"s difficult to compare...so, it depends on budget and suitability of the candidates...


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