自上星期四開始,Miss Chan Chan就有陸陸續續開不完的會議.....上星期完成了輔導處的pre-term meeting,星期六完成了中一迎新日活動。下星期一要上英文科training,星期二的上午是升學就業輔導處的會議,下午是英文科panel meeting;星期三早上是staff meeting,下午校董會請吃buffet,星期四是英文科form meeting,星期五又是英文科training ....下午才可以休息.......之後幾天就是最後休息時間等開學...........
說起星期六的中一迎新日.....每年都有不同的感覺。Miss Chan Chan是愛當Form 1仔的班主任,每年都有新面孔新挑戰。只是去年學校嘗試讓我跟原班上了Form 2,令我第一次當Form2生的班主任,也享受了一年快樂時光......星期六跟家長見面,大部份都是很友善很合作的,希望大家合作愉快吧!今年也是....第一年沒有家長問Miss Chan Chan是不是剛教書的...哈!可能我的樣子終於長大了~ 又或是,我老了..........連校長也替我向家長解釋了很多次呢 ~
看看校曆表,9月是summer time,尚可;10月只有2天假期,可憐;11月只有1天假期,天啊!真的要捱到12月才能放長假..........哎.......................................
今年Miss Chan Chan除了要教Form 1 仔外,也要努力跟最後一屆會考生一起作戰!今年要給他們多些升學出路介紹....因為我這班人仔,會考對他們來說簡直就是與外星人作戰一樣....Miss Chan Chan 只是希望他們盡全力去考,我已經心滿意足了,成績嗎?不重要了....
加油加油~~~ 我這兩星期也是有開不完的會啊,,還有幾個比較懶懶的小朋友,我需要打電話提醒他們快做完暑假功課。
回覆刪除[版主回覆08/25/2009 23:12:00]我....也要check學生的網上暑期功課做得怎樣....然後打電話去"提醒"他們.........
加油呀miss chan chan:)
回覆刪除[版主回覆08/25/2009 23:13:00]Thanks a lot~
Me too...meetings and meetings...never end...
回覆刪除Yes... don't put too much stress on yourself even though you have to teach S5 students to get through their final year of HKCEE.
For me, I also have to teach S1 students. The most challenging task for me is to teach F.4. They are having a new syllabus and I have to write a curriculum for the elective of learning English through workplace communication.
And I also have to be a S.6 class and UE teacher again. My 5th round la...haha....
[版主回覆08/25/2009 23:15:00]How many classes are you teaching? Why that many???
I was one of the three teachers responsible for designing the curriculm and teaching materials for NSS last academic year...it"s so demanding...Workplace communication, it"s useful, but not that interesting...
看看校曆表,9月是summer time,尚可;10月只有2天假期,可憐;11月只有1天假期,天啊!真的要捱到12月才能放長假..........哎.......................................
出年又係咁..... 唉.....
[版主回覆08/25/2009 23:16:00]對!超級可惡......
我也是最後一屆會考生... >< 我也覺得會考對我來說是與外星人作戰... 感覺很奇怪...
回覆刪除each teacher has to teach 3 classes. How many for your school? Yes. Not interesting to explore workplace communication but I have to make it fun and interesting as well as useful for exam. How come??
回覆刪除I just think the workload for the coming year is so great. I belong to the counseling team and there are many cases in front of me.. I am the F.1 counseling teacher and you know there are lots of transition for them.
[版主回覆08/27/2009 23:26:00]I'm also in the counselling team, careers team, PTA secretary and class teacher.....not too bad...at least these are departments that I'm interested in. Normally, all teachers teach 3 classes...how many English teachers in ur panel?
[版主回覆08/27/2009 23:26:00]可以先等聖誕
好忙好忙... 我都好忙呀..
[版主回覆08/30/2009 19:24:00]因為,放假太開心了吧~
We have 14 English teachers. However, the most hard job for us is we always tailor-made materials to students as we think many textbooks are not really suitable for students. Thus, I think it is really a very very demanding department at school.
回覆刪除[版主回覆08/30/2009 19:23:00]Oh, that"s quite many....we only have 13 English teachers including the NET.