一直未有貼上遊記,是因為照片還未整理好。總括來說,是次旅程感覺一般,而且相隔七年重遊台灣,感覺這個地方經濟簫條得很利害,實在難以想像西門町的店在星期六晚10時正就關了90%....。而且,墾丁沒有想像中"那麼"美....因為克羅地亞Vis 島的海灘更美.....阿里山沒有想像中的壯觀,克羅地亞的16湖國家公園的景色壯麗10倍......我連對台灣的小吃,也開始失去興趣......剩餘最懷念台灣的,就是滿滿可口的珍珠奶茶和台灣各大電視台的節目。
26/7/09 天氣晴
墾丁 - 高雄 - 阿里山 - 台中市 - 清境農場 - 台北
這幾天從香港往高雄的機位非常緊張,EY+J已經滿了,即使恐龍機師已經request jump seat,我們還是上不到早上九時正的班機。這是我們第一次上不了機....其實背後是有原因的....。這時候恐龍機師的空姐同事一家四口也準備到高雄去,但她們的機會比我們更微,小朋友也等到呆了!

幾經辛苦,另一班機的jump seat 終於可以放行。

"Welcome on board on 恐龍航空"

Miss Chan Chan和恐龍機師終於在下午到達高雄小港機場,先兌了些台幣,再到已聯絡好的格上租車取車往墾丁去。
格上租車是Miss Chan Chan 之前在網上發現的租車公司(http://www.car-plus.com.tw/ ),評價很高,服務好且收費合理,如持有匯豐及Citibank白金咭更可以有75折。我們租了toyota vios 3天2夜,租金折實只是NTW$5064 (兌換港幣約$1235)。他們免費附上gps,很好用的。這個GPS非常可靠,只是,台灣車是用左軚的,恐龍機師要慢慢適應。

我們並沒有在墾丁租酒店,反之我們住在恒春的御庭motel (http://www.uukt.com.tw/phpbb/viewtopic.php?t=41073) 。這是Miss Chan Chan的妹妹在6月份到墾丁旅遊時租住的酒店,很美很舒適。Motel在台灣就是汽車旅館,我們的車子就是泊在自己的房間下面,經過一條私家樓梯就可以到房間,感覺像是在外國的house。我們租了兩晚,房租合共NTW$6820 (HKD$1663)。可以說,這家民宿是整個旅程中最好的了!

還有那大大的水力按摩池 + 窗外風景 (這處名為﹕Bali發呆亭)
說回租車,我們在日本習慣了租車用GPS,用台灣的更是聽得明白指示,所以,一點也不困難。大約1.5小時我們便從高雄機場來到恒春這邊的旅館,只要在旅館門口check in + 付錢就可以拿鎖匙直接駛進自己的私人車庫。

晚上我們到了第一個景點﹕出火風景區。這是一個有趣的自然奇觀,就是在地底有不斷湧出的天然氣,所以地面有源源不絕的火種。跟著GPS來 (在GPS找"出火觀景區"便可以),我們以為黑麻麻的沒有什麼人,怎知人可多呢!大家在入口處買了煙花就走進去玩啊!很久沒有玩煙花,在裏面我們也玩得不亦樂乎呢!(註﹕這個景點是免費的,即使早上也有火種,但晚上來更好玩,因為可以放煙花)

大家都拿著煙花在拍照 (恐龍機師的圈圈 + Miss Chan Chan的星星)
晚上就回去浸一個spa,因為房間裏有一個超大的按摩池,還可以邊浸邊看那看極都看不完的電視頻道.....整個旅程,Miss Chan Chan就是被恐龍機師說是"電視精",因為台灣的電視節目太好看了!
嘩~~~好似幾好咁喎...記低D資料先 !! 不過打風季節去台灣就比較危險D !! 有得揸車去旅行到幾好 !!
回覆刪除[版主回覆08/09/2009 15:51:00]對啊,幸好在打風前回來....記得最後一天在台北,天色開始昏暗及毛毛雨。天氣報告也說一連十多天陽光普照兼悶熱,是因為颱風莫拉黑....
台灣的商店 一直都10點關門 沒有改變....其他 就見仁見智 墾丁是臺灣人最愛去渡假的地方 也許 變樣了吧...換個心態去看每一件事 你會覺得不一樣 如果 只是一直比來比去 到哪也都不會好玩
回覆刪除[版主回覆08/09/2009 15:53:00]我們一直以為西門町的店會是比較夜關門。
[版主回覆08/09/2009 15:54:00]出火觀景區是整個trip我最喜歡的景點...哈哈!
我和花樣上一次去墾丁好似都有成7, 8 年啦!!!!
[版主回覆08/09/2009 22:24:00]對,這間酒店很不錯。有機會你們再去啊~ 但今天看報紙,發現我們曾經駛過一條由高雄通往墾丁的大橋斷了,有車掉下來,很恐怖!
Thank you so so so much. I have planned to go to Taiwan in Sept & thinking about rent a Car? Would you mind to share some information with me ?
回覆刪除The service of your mentioned car company ( http://www.car-plus.com.tw/ ) is good or not? How to make reservation? just via e-mail? deposit is required or not ?
How to use the GPS? is it just type the Chinese Wordings ?
I need to have international driving license, right?
I think's it convenience to book a car & drink by myself but I am think how to part the car over night, if I not book 御庭motel .Any information can share?
Sorry for so many question, thanks your sharing in advance.
Cheers, Mrs. Tse
[版主回覆08/15/2009 19:37:00]Sure, it's my pleasure to share the travel info with you.
1) Car plus is very good, no matter the service or the quality of the car. However, we think that Vios is a bit too noisy when driving, maybe you can think of renting Honda Fit, it's better. (Of course, it's because of the model of the car which does not affect the quality of the company). You can click on "我要租車" in the website and fill in the information and they will contact you via email. They require deposit, so you just fill in the form and email back to them. If you have any questions, you may also phone them and they're very helpful. For my case, I phoned them to make the reservation as I got something else to ask.
2) It is a Chinese GPS with touch screen and even the GPS can speak Cantonese. (We used Putonghua in Kenting and Cantonese in Tai Chung) No worries, the staff will teach you how to use the GPS. They may tell you that the GPS is not that reliable but we think it's very reliable. You can even write the Chinese words with your finger on the touch screen.
3) Yes, you must get an international driving license before you leave HK. Do it in the Transportation Department with HK$80 and a photo.
4) I think you needa ask the hotel / motel you wanna book for the parking stuff. Each accomodation provider may have different ways to handle with the cars. Basically, you just needa park into their carpark. The point is whether you needa pay or not. Or, there are a few public car park in 墾丁大街. What u needa do is to pay when u leave.
Leave me a msg if you need further help~
Oh, from租車公司( http://www.car-plus.com.tw/ ) I found that now it charge NTW$2,250 per day.
回覆刪除If NTW$2,250 x 4 days plus 25% discount off (HSBC cards), It's will be charged at NTW$6,750.
I am not sure is it price increased !
[版主回覆08/15/2009 19:38:00]Thanks for telling me that...I"ve made a mistake. I've made the changes in the article. You're right, for 4D3N, it's NTW$6750. I only booked for 3D2N.
Thank you very much for your kind sharing !
回覆刪除Hello, my TW trip is finished, 格上租車 really good. Thanks your sharing, help me a lot !
回覆刪除[版主回覆09/25/2009 21:29:00]oh~ that"s good!!! How"s your trip?