2009年1月22日 星期四

A poem about a job

今天監考時在Form 3 英文科考試卷內驚見下面一篇閱讀理解文章。同事來問我是不是我設的題目,不過,今年Miss Chan Chan 沒有任教Form 3,所以當然不是我的大作。不過,我們很喜歡這篇文章,特別在這兒記錄下來,送給恐龍機師、佐飛 & 阿邦。

My Dream Job     by Matthew Tong

When young, I often looked at the sky

And searched for metal wings up high.

Whenever I saw them, I shouted.

Could I drive on them one day? I doubted.


For numerous nights, I dreamt that

I was wearing a smart captain hat.

Waiting for the settling of the crowds

I was ready to fly in the clouds.


I knew I must work very, very hard

So I studied and studied with all my heart.

When I grew up, luckily enough,

My dream came true, though the process was tough.


Flying was good, but at times I felt tired

Leaving home often was not what I desired.

Yet after the lonely work, nothing was better

Than other families get happily together.


Dressed fit in my sharp uniform,

The best I'm sure to perform.

Air pockets and bad weather won't give me fright

I'll go on to serve and enjoy every meaningful flight.


1 則留言:

謝謝你的到訪,不妨留個字,讓Miss Chan Chan知道你曾到此一遊。