2008年6月6日 星期五


3/6是正式收爐的日子....也就是0708學年最後一個上課天。4/6學生正式開始考試,Miss Chan Chan 也從始在正午12:00便可以放工...yeah!


今年教了兩班Form 1 仔,一班Form 5仔。Form 1 仔中有教精英班的,有成績最弱的。精英班的小人兒是話頭醒尾,全英語學習;弱班的猴子們是愛說話的,全廣東話教學也未必聽懂.........

最愛 vs 最討厭



給Miss Chan Chan的評語@問卷



"同學不會在Miss Chan的課堂裏搗蛋,否則死得慘烈.." (按﹕超喜歡這個comment!)

"Miss Chan很惡但又好好人" (按﹕即是怎樣?)

"Miss Chan教曉我看報學生字。我知道震央的英文是epicentre....." (按﹕不錯!有記性!)


教學是辛苦但滿足的........ 政府加了薪,更滿足....哈哈!




5 則留言:

  1. 好一個暑假!!!!!
    [版主回覆06/07/2008 23:25:00]熱切期待中....

  2. 我都想加薪!!!!!!! 你就好啦~就黎去旅行......
    [版主回覆06/07/2008 23:25:00]等了一年.....終於又是休息的日子...

  3. 嘩..... Miss Chan Chan 的學生中一就識 epicentre...... 過多幾年我地都冇得(手勞) law......
    [版主回覆06/07/2008 23:26:00]只是用生活來作教材,活學活用....
    佐飛,我的學生最多只懂earthquake & epicentre.....怎會令你"無得撈"呢?

  4. Yes, I'm going to do a Full Time PGDE at HKU. I'm really so much looking forward to it!! How did you get into teaching? Did you do a FT or PT PGDE? And which Uni did you have it? I heard from my frds that CUHK offers the best PGDE among all....is it true? Actually, after I've read your blog, I feel even more motivated to become a teacher...as I learnt that there are still teachers with passion!!  
    [版主回覆02/14/2009 01:40:00]I did my full time PGDE @ HKBU. I decided to quite my PR job in July and only BU offered the 2nd batch admission at that time. Therefore, BU was only my choice at that time. I've also heard that CUHK offers good PGDE courses but anyway, PGDE is just a qualification...every Uni does similar thing. ENJOY your immersion program @ AUS !!!! (should be Brisbane,right?)
    To be frank, I am now teaching in the school where I did my F.6-F.7. I proposed to do my teaching practice there and right afterwards there was a vacancy. So, I was in. It has been my 5th year here already!
    Regarding 'passionate', you will be challanged by other people or even yourself from time to time. Try to be flexible or you will be easily stuck somewhere.

  5. Thanks for your sharing Miss Chan Chan... I may come and ask for your advice again later


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